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Picnic Training - Week 6

February 17, 2019 to February 23, 2019

Sunday - Downhill skiing at Mt. Bachelor.

Monday - Rest day!

Tuesday - 1.5 hours on bike trainer.

Wednesday - 1 mile swim.

Thursday - Council Crest bike ride (20 miles, 1600 ft). Red Cross Blood Donation.

Friday - Rest day. Biked 4 miles to tea.

Saturday - Mt. Hood Backcountry Ski from Gov't Camp to Silcox Hut (8 miles, 3300 ft)

After an exhausting weekend of climbing, backcountry skiing, and downhill skiing while still being sick, this week necessitated me not pushing it too hard. My body was feeling a bit worn out and needed an easier workout schedule. Also, my regular blood donation was scheduled weeks ago for Thursday, which hard experience has shown requires a full day off afterwards or else I feel poorly for much longer. Backcountry skiing on Saturday felt relatively fine though.