March 17, 2019 to March 23, 2019
Sunday - 1.75 hours on bike trainer. 30 minute ankle rehab + core workout
Monday - 1 hour windy bike ride (1000 ft, 16.5 miles)
Tuesday - 2 hour windy bike ride (2,270 ft, 27.5 miles)
Wednesday - 10 easy laps on Tabor stairs and 7 mile biking to/from.
Thursday - Rest Day with bit of ankle rehab
Friday - Snowy Dog Mountain hike (2800 ft, 6 miles), damp Council Crest bike ride (1500 ft, 19.5 miles)
Saturday - 2 mile pool swim
Our local community pool was closed this week, which made training a bit challenging with an ankle still recovering from injury. Ended up doing a fair number of shorter bike rides: 78 miles total, according to Strava, and that does not include the nearly two hours on the trainer. On Friday, we took work off with the intention of hiking Dog Mountain twice. A little over a mile in, we found snow on the trail and it continued most of the way to the summit. One lap was enough for my ankle, so we headed back to Portland and did a quick Council Crest ride. Not quite all I hoped for, but the ankle should only get stronger.