– the blog –

Outwardly Calm, Inwardly Foretelling Doom

Almost feel like I could just publish this entry with that title and skip the whole explanation bit. I mean, we have all had that experience where there is nothing left to do but wait and see how the adventure goes, right? All preparations are made, all training complete, and the rest is going to be handled hour by hour, day by day once you are out there. You are outwardly calm and yet your mind begins to remind you of what could possibly go wrong.

I was doing alright until Saturday when I strained my left knee while moving boxes up and down stairs. Since injuring my right knee and the surgery, the left one has had to do a bit more work and has taken more punishment as it compensated during the right's recovery. However, it seemed to handle it reasonably well, that is until moving day. And now, if anything the right one feels rather good in comparison. Almost like they agreed during the night to switch places. Driving my mind a bit nuts as now I am concerned that the left one is going to be painful. Oy meet vey.

Everything else is ready to go though. Gear is ready. Financials and mail taken care of. Relevant accounts changed over to Gmail. My entire PCT to do list is complete. Those knees though. Damn those knees.