I should have done this weeks ago when everything first started, but I’ve been busy trying to adjust to being a student again and cramming as much knowledge as I can into my middle-aged brain.
So, yes, I went back to school! Why? Well, why not? My last contract role turned into a frustrating situation, and after four months of job hunting with no luck, I just threw in the towel. Interviewing in tech these days can be a demoralizing experience—often ending in ghosting or rejection without any real explanation. After a while, it felt like I was wasting my time and energy.
And honestly, I love feeling smart and learning complex topics. Learning and breaking out of ruts tends to get harder as you age, and I feel I only have a few more real attempts at shifting who I am and what I do with my life. Carpe diem or some such.
After researching different options, I landed on an online Intro to Neuroscience course at UPenn, which could lead to a certificate if I complete 3–5 more courses. Then, thanks to some eye-catching ads, I also explored Harvard Medical School’s HMX program, which offers a range of medical science courses. To brush up on knowledge I hadn’t touched since pre-med 13 years ago, I enrolled in Biochemistry, Immunology, and Physiology.
It’s been challenging. My brain feels properly stretched. The Neuroscience, in particular, has been fascinating—there’s been an explosion of new discoveries in the past two decades, and it’s incredible how much more we understand now.
Where is all this heading? Honestly, I don’t know. Financially, quitting your job to go back to school just for the sake of learning isn’t the smartest move. But I’ve given myself two months to set aside those concerns and simply enjoy the process.