My alliterative autumnal adventure into academics has alas and assuredly adjourned.
Things concluded satisfactorily with a 94% in Biochemistry, 96% in Physiology, 97% in Intro to Neuroscience, and a lovely 100% in Immunology. And far more importantly, I learned a satisfying amount of science and medicine in these past 12 weeks.
Unfortunately, the time has come for a reckoning concerning my future. What is next? Or perhaps more clearly, what SHOULD be next, given the state of the United States but also my dwindling savings?
And. Ugh. I still do not know. Ever since the election, I have been battling a crippling case of “What is even the point?” which has not been good for motivation. And this past week severely drained my energy with 3 exams, a double colonoscopy for Tina, and an annoying cold. I am slowly bouncing back but it has been exhausting just getting back to a baseline of semi-functional.
I feel stuck. Education is exceptionally expensive and medical residency with 80 hour weeks sounds like a horror show. Of the 12 jobs I have applied for in the past month, I have gotten zero responses. While I find neuroscience fascinating, I am not sure I am cut out for PhD research. And, I expect Trump Presidency 2.0 to fuck over America and its economy for a generation.
Come on, Universe, send me a sign! Where should I go, what should I do?!
The lack of dramatic revelations and easy answers in my life continues to perplex its narrator. Tune in next time as I put a dozen options in a hat and just pick one. Medical school in Ireland? Endless biking vacations until the money runs out? A life of villainy in pursuit of justice? Who knows!
Tune in next week! Same Paul Time, Same Paul Channel.